A kép
több, mint 25 fajta fából lett összeállítva.
Több gyümölcsfa szerepel a listán épp úgy
mint sok utcai fa. Számomra nagyon fontos, hogy minél több famintázat szerepeljen a
képemen és ezáltal valóban egy egyedi műalkotást hozzak életre. Ennek érdekében
nem csak az évgyűrűket tettem láthatóvá, hanem hosszában is elvágtam , és így
egy másik arcát is megmutatta a fa. Éppen ezért tudott ennyire sokszínűvé válni.
A keret is egyedi, az akác természetes vonalait meghagyva lett összeillesztve.
A polimer gyanta, amellyel ki lett öntve,
víztiszta, átlátszó, üveghatást
kelt. A keret méhviasz olajjal lett lekezelve, fokozott mértékben ellenáll a
nedvességnek. Aki szeretne egy teljesen egyedi dekorációt, amit sehol máshol
nem fog látni, akkor ezt a képet meg kell vennie. Ára: 430.000Ft
Kb. 77cm
100 % Handmade !
This picture is made from 25 different tree
varieties including a wide range of fruit trees and street trees also.
It is very important to me to work with as much as wood pattern as possible so I create some very special artwork.
In its interest it is not only the annual ring you can see, I also cut tree lengthwise showing it to a different point of view.
That is what makes it so varied.
It also comes with a beautiful acacias frame which will surely raise its standard, where natural lines were left united.
Polymeric resin was used to add this transparent glass effect to it.
The frame has been treated with beeswax oil , which protects it against moisture.
So, if you would like to have this unique wall decoration, please contact me...
Size - 52cm x 77cm x 2cm
Price - 1400 euro
Contact - woodenathome@gmail.com
100 % Handmade !
This picture is made from 25 different tree
varieties including a wide range of fruit trees and street trees also.
It is very important to me to work with as much as wood pattern as possible so I create some very special artwork.
In its interest it is not only the annual ring you can see, I also cut tree lengthwise showing it to a different point of view.
That is what makes it so varied.
It also comes with a beautiful acacias frame which will surely raise its standard, where natural lines were left united.
Polymeric resin was used to add this transparent glass effect to it.
The frame has been treated with beeswax oil , which protects it against moisture.
So, if you would like to have this unique wall decoration, please contact me...
Size - 52cm x 77cm x 2cm
Price - 1400 euro
Contact - woodenathome@gmail.com
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